Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 65 (or, "Apples to Apples - The Worst Thing That Ever Happened To Shabbas?")

Who invented this game and why is it popular? For those of you lucky enough to be unfamiliar with the rules of said game, here's how it works: The judge of the round will put out a green card with an adjective written on it (e.g., "energetic," or, "serious," or, "stupid"). The players will then choose from among their red "noun" cards and submit the one that they feel is most connected to the adjective at play. So, for "stupid," you might put out, "Dane Cook," or, "Jeff Dunham," or, "The Religious Right." (Ironically, there is no card named, "Apples to Apples.")

Now, what usually happens is that, with no noun-adjective connection that is particularly funny, the judge will choose a winner based on the noun that he likes the most, or in other words, whichever one happens to connect to some random memory from his childhood. This universally winds up frustrating for almost all of the players, each of whom thought that their card was "hilarious!" (These are the players that, at the beginning of the game, claim to be "amazing" at Apples to Apples.) The game is an exercise in futility. Its like spending an hour seeing who can roll more threes on a six-sided die. (Which I happen to be quite good at, by the way.)

In summation, Apples to Apples? More like, Apples to... Crapples.

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